“The chance to see dreams realised was inspiring”
— Previous participants on an Ecomotive tour of Ashley Vale
Tours of Ashley Vale Self Build Site
If you’re thinking about building your own home, a great first step is to visit a completed project!
We offer tours of Ashley Vale, the self build project that created Ecomotive, for interested self builders, local authorities, architects, planners, other housing professionals, universities, schools and youth groups.
Ashley Vale self build in Bristol is a groundbreaking and iconic project of 40 homes, alongside workspaces, community facilities and a traffic-calming ‘home zone’. An entirely grassroots project, it was initiated by local residents in 2000 and completed in 2010. It has won multiple awards for its design features and sustainability.
With a diverse range of house styles, materials and approaches to the ‘custom build’ model, it showcases an eye-catching range of options and offers a fascinating and informative case study of community-led self build.
dOur 1.5 hour tours offer the chance to learn about the history of the project and to look up close at the houses from the exterior, accompanied by a participant from the original project. Occasionally we also have an opportunity to look inside one or more of the homes.
If you are part of a group or organisation that would like to book a tour, please get in touch with us at info@ecomotive.org. If you’re an individual wanting to join a tour, you can sign up to our mailing list to receive information on public tours, which we offer on an occasional basis.
Standard costs:
Individuals £15
Concessions £10
Minimum tour charge £150.00
Get in touch now to organise a tour for your group or orgnanisation

“Beautiful high quality homes built for an affordable price and most importantly, with community built in. This is the way it should be done!”
“Totally inspiring, great couple of hours.”
— Previous participants on an Ecomotive tour of Ashley Vale