We won! Our collaboration with SNUG Homes wins William Sutton Prize

It was an incredible surprise and honour for our collaboration with SNUG Homes to be announced as the winning entry in the 2021 William Sutton Prize for Placemaking and Affordable Housing Design at an online ceremony last night (25th March). Our proposal, Home-Made Bristol, is to create “an eco-system of community participation based on the co-production of housing to meet real local needs.”

We aim to do this by scaling up our pilot project based at the Wordsworth Centre in Lockleaze, creating a construction and training hub that will enable residents to co-produce eco-friendly, modular housing in response to local needs.

The prize includes a fund of £20,000 to help achieve our plans, plus dedicated support from Clarion Housing Group, who sponsor the prize. With this support, we plan to expand our existing offering onto a larger site, enabling our partnership to provide more volunteering and employment opportunities, self-build training and support for community-led housing initiatives, as well as building more homes.

Thanks to our wonderful team, both past and present, and all the supporters who have helped made this possible, including Bristol City Council, Quartet Community Foundation, the School for Social Entrepreneurs, Innovation 4 Growth, Naturesave Foundation, Ashley Vale Action Group and Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust.


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