The Lockleaze Community led housing drop in session - 17th October

Are you interested in building your own home? If you want to learn how to do it, what it is and how it can work at a local scale? Come by to the Wordsworth Centre in Lockleaze at 5pm-7pm on October 17th. This is a great opportunity to learn and discuss updates to the Community led housing project: Lockleaze Loves Homes. Alex from the Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust will host the session, basing his talk from a self-build perspective. This is a great opportunity for us to hear from you, the local community.

Jackson will also talk about the SNUG home idea, and how you might be able to build your own home in Lockleaze in the future, even if you have never considered building your own home. For more advice on the idea of the self-build options out there, bring along questions for Jackson to answer!


The first ever Right to Build day takes place today!


Tiny House Community comes to talk at the Wordsworth Centre